Do you ever have days where you question your sanity? One day this summer my children wanted to know what was for dessert. I sent them to the freezer to get the square Tupperware with the red lid. I had baked cookies two days earlier and frozen them. I opened the lid to discover over half the cookies missing. Why would I put a nearly empty container in the freezer?
A couple of days later I swept the dining room floor, emptied the dustpan, and put the broom and dustpan away. Walking out of the dining room, I came across this. Hadn’t I just swept the entire floor? How did I miss this? While these two examples are perplexing the third is something more. Disturbing perhaps?
One day a while back I could here my youngest calling for me. His voice sounded like he was outside so I opened the front door but couldn’t see him. Opening the back door revealed no child. I searched and searched the house, looked out all the windows and still couldn’t find him. He kept calling and I kept looking. Finally, I called in the other children for reinforcements. I can’t remember who found him, but I grabbed the camera before pulling him out. He wasn’t even crying…just yelling, “MOM!”
OKay…ha ha ha…those just make me laugh.
Ha, Haaa! Kids are amazing! Not only are they entertaining, but I’m sure they have strange magical powers that don’t go away until they have their own kids.
– Chas