Many are bemoaning the recent heavy snowfall. However, I’m grateful for the storm. We need several more just like it if we want water enough for our summer crops.
Perhaps we could all learn a lesson from my children who played until well past dark enjoying the new snow. Today as they donned coats and boots before school, they were discussing the improvements they will make to their tunnel system this afternoon. (Snowball throwers just happen to make great tunnel diggers with the side benefit of creating perfect snowballs.)
Enjoy the moment.
Don’t forget to mention my car slid off the road as I was avoiding a collision with an on-coming car in my lane. But all is well, thanks to a co-worker with a 4-wheel drive tractor.
Oh it’s out–Yea! Thanks 4-wheel drive tractor owner.
When I hear people wishing for no more snow I think they are a little short sighted. The more snow we get now, the less we have to water the lawn later. Plus the more water the farmers get.
Here, here! I so agree! Bring on the snow, it only makes for a better summer for everyone. Of course, I also love winter and don’t mind if it lasts through March! LOL.