I thought I published this post two days ago–oops!


UEA is Thursday and Friday this week. I learned my lesson this summer: No preschool when the other children are home.

Practice putting cards with letters of name in order. Have name written on 3×5 card for 4yo to look at while he does it–later it will be used for a check at the end of ordering the cards.
Practice writing last two letters of first name 3x on the white board.

Introduce Letter Cc
Make body into shape of letter Cc
Read Coyote Raid in Cactus Canyon
Make textured letter C: Use celery as a stamp to stamp the letter C on the cutout letter C (Source: Preschool by Stormie)

Find and circle letter C on a sheet of paper with random letters (like a word find only letters are much bigger)
Make Cookies (Maybe we’ll make Black Cat Cookies.)
Read Why Cowboys Sleep with Their Boots On 

Wednesday-Scripture Story (Read & have 4yo retell on flannel board.)
(This will be a hectic day so maybe we’ll have preschool and maybe we won’t.)
Crossing the Sea (Book of Mormon Stories Reader Chapter 8 )