Moving Sprinkler Pipe

Piling children into the car morning and evening to make the trek to my in-laws to move sprinkler pipe frequently seems bothersome. Oftentimes I’m convinced there’s not enough time to get this done, too.  I hurriedly throw on long sleeves, spray exposed...

Most Creative Mount

The local horse parade was this past Saturday. Two of my children and three of their cousins participated. They decided on a Greek theme and dressed accordingly. They even choreographed a sword fight on horseback. Unfortunately the swords got left home so they just...

Portraits In Time

During Nate’s final year of college he entered a logo contest for the Scenic Byways and won. The officials told Nate his logo would appear on signs throughout Logan Canyon’s Scenic Byway. The Herald Journal interviewed him and he won a mountain bike. That...

Ingredients for a Summer Vacation

Camping with five children requires a lot of stuff. Last week we took a spur of the moment summer vacation. I’ve decided that’s the only kind we can have with this lifestyle. I have to come up with the what and be ready whenever the hay is up and we have a...

Happy Fourth of July

You know the Fourth of July is Near When… 1. We make and then eat these treats. 2. My little cowboy finds a bag of crepe paper and does this: And then we all have to try the crepe paper taste test. (Except for Nate, he refused stating he’d already done it...

Poohsticks or Boats (as my children call it)

This is the scene for much summer fun, especially when it’s hot. If you’ve ever read The Complete Tales and Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne, you will be familiar with a game Winnie-the-Pooh invents called Poohsticks. My children call it Boats....