
Look what this little cowboy did tonight! He started crawling up the stairs. And didn’t stop until he reached the top. Oh my. I’m in trouble now.

A Speck

The week my littlest cowboy turned six months he learned a new trick when rolling from his back to stomach. He learned to roll to his knees. And then straighten his arms and rock back and forth. A week later he was full out crawling and chasing a ball. He’s such...


It’s spring and that means calves on the farm. This little calf’s mom chose to feed its twin and not him so we brought him home to our barn and named him Oliver.  A calf will die if it doesn’t get colostrum. Thankfully, you can buy a colostrum...

Preg Checking

One winter morning over Christmas break it was time to see if the bull had done his work. This is Nate’s sister Hayley with her newest baby. Hayley did something really smart about five years ago. She married a veterinarian. Now he spends his Christmas vacation...

A Conversation

One night last week after several repeated attempts to put the three-year-old in bed, he was again standing beside my rocking chair as I nursed the baby. I told him, “If I have to put the baby down to get you back in bed, I’m gonna spank your little...

Stolen Fun

Apparently I can’t write and blog with a new baby. So know that I’m still around but have pretty much banned myself from the internet each day until I have had at least 20 minutes of writing time. (Yeah, breaking that rule right now and the baby is on my...