Ice Cube Bliss

Ice Cube Bliss

Here’s another chapter tutorial from Diamond Rings are Deadly Things. Ice Cube Bliss Add an elegant touch to sparkling water or any bridal party beverage with these flavored ice cubes. Combine a small amount of lemon juice, several lemon slices, and water and...

Strawberry-Pear Smoothie

Here’s another smoothie we have with breakfast quite often. I’ve found that pears and pineapple are nature’s sugar. If I use them in my smoothies, there is no need for sugar. Plus I got a little overwhelmed last fall when the boxes of pears were...

Pineapple Spinach Smoothie

My sister in-law gave me a recipe for a Pineapple-Spinach Drink. Since I like to make smoothies for breakfast  with a fruit base, I changed the ingredients from juice to real fruit. It’s easy, delicious and that spinach is oh so good for you; so go ahead and try...